2/12(日) SHOOMY BAND CD「requiem」発売記念LIVE
2/12(日) 入谷・浅草合羽橋 「なってるハウス」
宅"Shoomy"朱美 (P・Vo・voice) 加藤崇之 (G) 是安則克 (B) 樋口晶之(Dr) ゲスト:松風鉱一 (Sax・fl)
TEL:03-3847-2113 http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/knuttelhouse/
Akemi "Shoomy"Taku(P,Vo)
Takayuki Kato(G)
Norikatsu Koreyasu(B)
Masayuki Higuchi(Ds)
guest:Koichi Matsukaze(Sax,Fl)
Shoomy’s songs are incomparably unique. Without being into any heavy emotional move or over-sentiment, she sings songs lightly with a rather dry voice but still makes the songs feel soulful and bluesy. Her style is not just a singing-along with the accompaniment, and has a strong standpoint which is equal to any other member of the band and is always trying to express her own identity.
-- from liner notes of Kazuo Nakamura on CD "SOL"
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